Friday 11 November 2011

ever so slowly......but highly addictive :)

So I've been making my own bread, pasta, and yoghurt etc for years, and it seems only natural to progress to the grain mill and more of my own cultures- oh the possibilities!!
I have worked my way through all the family favorites recipes, and adapted them to suit fresh flours (and the overnight soaking for maximum nutritional benefits) with amazing success, and found some new favorites :). There has been no complaints. In fact, the kids are becoming a lot more adventurous, loving having different and interesting things in their lunchboxes!! they are actually eating a lot less food too, they are satisfied much quicker on the 'good stuff' i guess :) i don't think they are too keen on my sourdough though!! hehehe......I'm still working on it (and them)

Speaking of which, I have made my own sourdough starter, yep I'm growing wild yeast!! It is so fantastic, honestly, and it is easy. Bung (technical term) an equal measure of (i used rye) flour and water into a glass jar. Repeat this process morning and night for a week (you can remove some of the starter if your jar gets full- i don't- i just use a BIG jar, and hate waste). Now i only feed my starter once a day. I am yet to see how it goes when kept in the fridge, but i like having it 'good to go' as i bake every 1-3 days anyway. :) I'm sure the purists will have you believe it is a whole lot more complicated than that!! I love that i can achieve a more authentic loaf, and never have to buy commercial yeast again! its what nature intended :) I'm working on my "perfect sourdough", and by perfect, i mean just the way i like it :)

Speaking of cultures, i do culture my own yoghurt and have tried a few types. i have found a good one I'm using at the moment that i can keep a small amount from and make the next lot of yoghurt that is getting your money's worth!! I also have Kefir (pronounced: kah-feer)! this stuff is so incredible, we make smoothies out of it and i make 'cheese' out of it.....its gorgeous and not unlike feta. I also use it as a buttermilk replacement and have also made sour cream out of it...though i need to time it just right or it will go way too sour!! The kids have become accustomed to the sourish taste, they were a little hesitant at first. Love it!

This leads me to my next lot of interests........of course gardening (I'm always adding to that), and would like to try growing my own mushrooms. other areas of interest are:

  • Cheese making-everything from your block of tasty to your specialty and soft cheese...nom nom
  • Home brew, I'd love to make the hubby specialty beers, that will blow his mind! :)
  • other fermenting eg. sauerkraut.
  • Jams, sauces and preserves.
One day hubby and i would love to own our own farm, and have our own orchard, a bigger veggie garden, raw milk, and grow our own meat! (sorry no vegetarians here!!) anyway  for the mean time I'll be busy with all of the above! :)

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