Friday 23 December 2011

Enter Excalibur!!! (and some other new equiptment)

This is just a picture i got from Google images LOL, just to give you an idea!

I didn't expect to be able to get one of these, until early in the new year, but here we go! I have had my Excalibur dehydrator (i got the 9 tray one) running flat out! its only had a rest of a few hours since we got it! The girls and i have had an awesome time, making fruit leathers (roll ups), drying all sorts of fruits, and even our sugar crafts. I don't have many pictures, as they barely make it off the trays, before they are gobbled up!! I guess it the closest thing the kiddies get to lollies (even my 8 month old loves the dried fruit, mango strips are the new teething rusk, lol)! Now the novelty has worn off for the kids, i have had space to sprout/dehydrate my grains, and have also been making yoghurt in it, as the temperature remains constant, producing a much better result (more on this later). i even made a big batch of beef jerky in an attempt to impress the hubby, I've never even eaten it before so i think i did OK and he loved it! *phew*

Here is mine in action, dehydrating soaked oats, bound for muesli bars!

Some of the girls sugar crafts, and it turns out my water bottles make the perfect yogurt makers! and don't take up a lot of room height-wise, when laid down i can still use 7 trays when making yoghurt :) [excuse the mess, its due for a clean- again!]

Moroccan spiced beef jerky! These turned out great, albeit a little salty.

Ive  also invested in some cheese making equipment, and turned our old beer fridge into my new cheese cave. Its so awesome!! here is a little sneak peek, but more on our cheese making adventures later.
Anthea posing with the Cheese making stuff, cant wait to get into it!
Finally, i bought a little hand mill. I needed something to do what the big mill cant, that is oily seeds, spices and coffee. It has a second attachment which will 'flake' or roll grains.
Britney, rolling barley for porridge :)
So there you have it, the new gear! I've got a tonne of things to blog about and hopefully now hubby is home on holidays, i can to catch up!!

Merry Christmas all! xx

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